Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Four

Well, it is day four of Ben's trek.  He has traveled 57.5 miles and averaging just under 15 miles a day.  He braved some intense thunderstorms last night at Whitley Gap Shelter.

Ben has been checking in frequently using a really cool device called a SPOT.  When Ben presses "OK" on the SPOT,  it automatically sends an email to subscribed individuals containing a map with his exact latitude and longitude.  Additionally, his location is also automatically updated to his facebook wall.  Not only will this device allow him to check in, it will also allow him to get emergency assistance, should the need arise.  I've attached a screenshot below of Ben's location this morning. 

Ben's location this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of these used in epic mountain bike races. Pretty cool!
